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Joanna Robbins

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Abide on the Vine
I starting writing this post almost 3 years ago with the words, "I haven’t posted a blog in a long while." I recorded the following...

Journey to Bethlehem
Like the Wise Men of old, we too need to make the journey to Bethlehem. Our destination is to find what they found. What they found was...

A "Test-imony" of Tithing
“God takes you by the hand and guides you in darkness, as though you were blind along a way and to a place you know not. You would never...

Joy in the Autumn
My mom’s favorite season was autumn; she loved the colors and she loved Thanksgiving. I missed 12 years of autumn, living in Africa...

Loving Care
What have I lived? And what have I learned? Those are powerful questions to ask as we flow in and out of encounters of various kinds. ...

Random Encounters
Random Encounters Part 1 - Philippians 4:13 I treasure moments walking alongside God’s global servants, serving them and all the while...

Third Culture Kids
“Why do airports seem like home to me?” This is a typical question asked by a “Third Culture Kid”. TCKs certainly have a story to tell...

One in a Million Mom
To meet the One in A Million Mom, we’ll need to go to Turkey. Over 76 million people live in Turkey. Of those, there are only 0.03.%...

In The Hands of the Sovereign Chef
In the hands of the Sovereign Chef, we are being prepared. It is in this process that we come to know the Chef as we observe His ways...

Journey With Pearls Begins
Traveling to Mogoñe, Mexico to speak at a conference called “Women on Mission”, I prayed for God to speak to my heart. I wanted a special...
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